Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Disaster Summary

Made some summary about the disaster construction project Ma created over the past few years...so I can keep track. There are just too many of them. The summary is by no mean comprehensive. It is from what I read and heard so far. There are a lot more detail and comprehensive information online regarding these, but most of them are in Chinese.


Neihu Mass Rapid Transit Line

Problems Summary:
  • Service suspended due to various system problems. (People have to evacuate and walk on the rail line to station) LIBERTY TIME PHOTO1 PHOTE 2
  • Cart is too small and narrow. PHOTO From Mango Daily, LINK 2
  • Use mid capacity system (skyline with small train) instead of high capacity system (underground with large train). In this case during planning various group already suggested using high traffic system due to the expected high volume of people created from the residential area development. (DETAILS)
  • Flawed design (Some Detail Analysis) Especially regarding the big curve redirection toward the airport. It is a very questionable decision because the high angle turn, which indirectly cause the narrowness of the train, and the high amount of extra money required. Making a separated straight line toward the airport might be a better option.
  1. http://www.etaiwannews.com/etn/news_content.php?id=1005077&lang=eng_news&cate_img=83.jpg&cate_rss=news_Politics_TAIWAN
  2. http://www.shadowgov.tw/23304_0_is.htm
  3. http://www.shadowgov.tw/23281_0_is.htm
  4. http://www.shadowgov.tw/?p=news,detail,23121&target=yan&yan=100&page_no=0
  5. http://www.yuyen.tw/2009/07/blog-post_5071.html
  6. http://www.yuyen.tw/2009/07/blog-post_10.html

Maokong Gondola

Problems Summary:
  • Service suspended due to various system problems
  • Foundation of Tower 16 and others exposed as the soil around them got washed away by rain. Foundation most likely unstable now.
  • Bad design or choice of carts (fully sealed, extremely hot in Taiwan's climate)
  • No geographic assessment before construction, even though there are already large amount of geographical survey around the area.
Other Links:
  1. http://www.shadowgov.tw/?p=news,detail,21330&target=yan&yan=100&page_no=1
  2. http://www.shadowgov.tw/?p=news,detail,20220&target=yan&yan=100&page_no=2
  3. http://www.yuyen.tw/2009/07/blog-post_06.html
  4. http://www.yuyen.tw/2009/05/blog-post_09.html



Problem Summary:
No idea how to write the name in English. But basically this was a traditional market place. Ma decided to construct this new structure to facilitate the market.
  • The market place are mostly small restaurants. The design is again sealed which cause high temperature and lack of air flow. The glasses exterior also adds to the problem. Furthermore, each compartment is too small for each restaurants.
  • There are a lot of other design problems. Basically it's a incompatibility between traditional market place and an ill-designed and impractical structure.
  • In the end all the restaurants move out and the place become a wasted empty structure.
Because it's from more than 1 year ago, I cannot find a lot of information on this. But here are 2 blogs containing some comprehensive information:
  1. http://blog.lester850.info/archives/2006/07/03/336/
  2. http://person1204.pixnet.net/blog/post/16225254

The Taipei 2009 Deaflympics Swimming Pool

Problem Summary:
This one just came out very recently and there are still not enough coverage or investigation on it yet. Suffice to say it is quite ridiculous because of the very obvious mistakes. The pool should be international standard 10 lanes wide but instead it is built 8 lanes wide. Therefore, the pool cannot actually be used in the game. However, they wasted 600,000,000 NT dollars in it. Really ridiculous. Further tracking on the development of this issue is required.

  1. http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/antired-newspaper/article?mid=21808&prev=21820&next=21806
  3. Taipei Times report


There are some other minor ones:
  • 羅斯福路公車專用道: Last time I was in Taipei, I visited the place, and it looks like no bus is using it. But for some reason no one gets rid of them yet. Many have complain that those things actually worsen the traffic greatly, increasing the likely hood of traffic accidents. I do not know the detail but I know a lot of people complained for quite a long time.
  • 龍山寺地下街: Similar to 建成圓環 situation. The poor design or the choice of location result in the lack of customers etc. Most stores are shut down now.
Oh crap, I made a big mistake. The stupid pool costs 600,000,000 NT dollars, not 6,000,000.
Report LINK Interesting Taipei Sports Office Director Mr. Fang said the pool is not for Deaflympics. Well, why the heck did they spend Deaflympics budgets on it then?!?!

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